During our sultry warm August, there are many activities to do in the garden. In our Southern climate, gardeners have a second chance to replant and add new plants and vegetables to their gardens as we slip into Fall.
Growing fruits and vegetables here is a popular and common activity. Keeping an eye on our treasured edibles is important right now. There is a bounty of tomatoes, sweet corn, green beans and cucumbers to harvest, or go to your local farmers markets to purchase them.
Planting a Fall garden with new trees, shrubs and perennials can also be done starting in late August.
Expand the categories below to learn more about what you need to do this month.
Herbs that can be planted from plants (not seeds!) include bay laurel, Mexican tarragon, and rosemary.
Watch for cucumber beetles and squash vine borer on late summer cucurbits. Carbaryl usually controls these. And monitor tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, watermelons and other susceptible crops for blossom end rot – a calcium uptake disorder. Make sure to lime at planting, if you need lime; otherwise work in a handful of gypsum per 10 square feet of planting space. Don’t use too much nitrogen fertilizer (especially urea or ammonium N). Avoid excess potash and avoid moisture fluctuations. Discard affected fruits.
Think about what you’d like in your fall-winter garden – the options here in Hall County are many! As it gets cooler, you can plant greens, turnips, spinach, lettuce, fall Irish potatoes (early to mid-August), collards, rutabaga, broccoli, bunching onions, leafy celery, carrots, cilantro, cabbage, etc. Call the Hall County Extension office if you need advice on fall plantings. You can plant fall snap beans until about mid-August and cucumbers and squash until late August.
Start seedlings indoors for transplant in September: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, collards, onions, lettuce, etc. Most transplants need 5-8 weeks ahead before they’re big enough to be set out.
Clean up around your garden and get rid of dead plants and leaves as many diseases and pests overwinter on infected dead leaves and stems. Late summer or fall is great for applying and mixing needed limestone, so test your soil if needed.
Water houseplants regularly and fertilize as appropriately to promote growth. Check plants for insects such as scales, aphids, and spider mites. Wash plants to remove dust layers. Make cuttings and repot plants.