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Who We Are

We're a passionate group of volunteers, dedicated to educating others about plants and horticulture. We partner with the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension program to help convey research-based information about gardening to the public. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities and resources that allow everyone in our community to enjoy gardening and the benefits it provides. 



Growing Healthy Communities One Garden At A Time
November 9th from 8:00am to 12:30 pm

What We Do

We believe everyone can benefit from the joys of gardening. We manage a variety of public gardens throughout Hall County and host multiple events and educational opportunities throughout the year. Whether you're a novice just starting out, or a seasoned expert, we invite you come have some fun with us!

Hands Holding Dirt
Garden Soil

Projects We Support

Ask-A-Master Gardener

Lovett literacy Garden

Youth Gardening Program

Jubilee Community Garden

Gardens On Green

Wilshire Park

The Redbud Project

Cherokee Bluffs

Alta Vista Cemetery 

Extension Gardens

Longstreet 1975 Heritage Landscape

Ag Day

Upcoming Events

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